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Impeller blade pitch control and Adjustment mechanism
 Dec 07, 2021|View:1201

Impeller blade pitch control is used in propeller pumps with axial and mixed flow impellers to change the pitch of the impeller blades during operation. At constant rotational speed, impeller blade pitch control changes the flow rate, head, and power input of the pump, enabling optimal closed-loop control with low losses. Considerable outlay is required for this configuration, however.

On smaller propeller pumps, blade pitch is frequently adjusted manually with transmission gearing, also known as Adjustment mechanism.

The adjustment mechanism is a gear unit which allows small propeller pumps to be manually adjusted. The axial movement of the rod is translated into a rotating movement of vane trunnions and thus the vanes themselves.


The impeller blade pitch can also be adjusted by an adjustment mechanism which is fitted in the impeller hub, together with the hydraulic or electric actuator, or by adjustment mechanisms which rotate the blade trunnions via rotation of the adjusting rod. Impeller blade pitch control as applied to centrifugal pumps evolved from early designs used for ship propellers and water turbines.


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In China, adjustment mechanisms are normally positioned at top of motor, which requires motor to fit with hollow shaft, while in most of other countries mechanisms are preferred to be positioned between motor and pump to save cost of motor, and actuate mechanically.

In recent years, a new patent based hydraulic type adjustment mechanism have been applied to renovate a lot of existing pump stations and newly-built South-to-North-Water-Diversion projects, which is flexible to position either top of motor or between pump and motor.

When being put between motor and pump, the mechanism is integrated into an extended part of pump coupling, and will be rotated with pump. The piston inside is connected to pump adjusting rod and moves it up and down to rotate the blade trunnions. Mechanism is powered by carbon bushes which is connected to additional AC power supply.

The control cabinet allows both local and remote control.


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