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HVAC pumps and packages
 Dec 08, 2021|View:881

Many types of standard pumps are used in HVAC, and also customized solutions of pumps, pump sets and factory-assembly system.

Close coupled single suction pumps

motor and pump cannot be misaligned with each other

physical space requirements less than those required by the flexibly coupled single suction pump

Flexibly coupled single suction pumpsuses a standard motor and less expensive than the close-coupled pump in large motor size
Vertical mount end suction pump

save equipment room floor space

able to rotate the discharge to accommodate the discharge piping

In-line end suction pumpcan be inserted directly in a pipeline and save considerable floor space
Self-priming pumpTypical applications are chiller sumps and open energy storage tanks such as are used in cold water or ice storage systems
Double-suction pumpsby far the preference of most designers when the flow in a water system exceeds 1000 gal/min, and considering its easy maintenance
Turbine pumpsusually found in HVAC applications
Mixed-flow pumpsfound in the HVAC industry on large cooling tower pump installations
Axial-flow pumpsused in cooling tower service with capacities in excess of 500 gal/min
Small multistage turbine pumpsapplied in the HVAC field on low-flow, high-head applications such as feeding high-pressure boilers
Positive-displacement pumpssmall in size

About Factory-Assembled Pumping Systems


  • Low Cost. Offers the lowest-cost procedure for designing, building, and installing a pumping system for most new installations.

  • Time saving. Offer savings in time during design, construction, and installation.

  • Unit responsibility. Only one company to deal with in solving problems and getting the pumping system to operate as specified.

  • Less pump maintenance and repair. Properly designed pumping system instead of mounting the pump in the field has been proved by years of operation in the field.

Typical system arrangements

for chilled water in sizes from the simple primary pumping system

for chilled water in sizes from the simple primary pumping system


Pumping system with vertically mounted double-suction pumps

Primary-secondary pumping systems

Primary-secondary pumping systems

large variable-speed secondary pumping system

large variable-speed secondary pumping system


Pumping system with expansion tank and heat exchanger