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Pressure booster system with end suction pumps to Brunei
 Dec 28, 2021|View:905


After serving the royal family polo club for many years, the existing end suction pump system were too old to continue its life. And even the nameplate were not clear enough to read. The only information our customer could provide is motor power and pump flange sizes.



What we do

Based on the limited infromation, customer preferred keeping similar arrangement as existing one, so we selected several possible models from our database.

After checking several times, we determined a pump model.

What we offer

New end suction pumps are complied with DIN733, and we provided factory-assmbled manifolds to reduce workload at site.

Motors were from WEG, one of the top brands, in order to ensure a good performance and high reliability to the pumping system.


Site Job

The complete pressure booster system were received in good condition.


Pressure booster system

Besides update of pressure booster pump set, customer updated also the water tank from concrete type to stainless steel type, to guarantee good water quality.

Pressure booster system with end suction pumps